Category Archives: Reviews
Mind blowing Ruby
I’ve been writing Ruby code for over four years now. I’ve been getting paid to do so for about two years. Prior to that, the bacon I brought home came mainly through the careful crafting of lines of Java, PHP, and C# code. Matz spoiled the party for me in … Continue reading
Montastically cool
I have a web site I’ve been working on that tends to go down at odd times during the night. It’s an issue with the web host, and due to financial constraints my client is not willing to relocate the site anytime soon. So I’m stuck with having to log … Continue reading
I’ve made the switch (to an iMac)
I’ve been a PC user my whole life. That all changed two weeks ago when I purchased my first Mac. Most of my friends who are software developers had already switched so I figured I’d better go forward with the grand experiment now rather than later. I haven’t looked back … Continue reading