July 22nd’s BarCamp RDU has come and gone, and wouldn’t you know I missed it? I was signed up to attend, but about a week prior to the event I learned I would be occupied that Saturday, and so I had to skip the most exciting geekfest to grace RDU since June’s NFJS. What a devastating shame.
My only hope is that there will be one next year. Judging from the press generated by the event, that seems likely. Take this RedOrbit article, for example. There are a slew of other articles that have been published as well. Visit the official BarCamp site for the complete list.
One comfort is that I can at least pseudo-participate by browsing Flickr for photos tagged with “barcamprdu.” I’ve stumbled across a few familiar faces this way. Incidentally, I know what the title of my session will be next year: “How to Avoid Skipping BarCamp”