Slides from my API talk

Thanks to everyone who turned out for my API talk at the Triangle Ruby Brigade. I wasn’t expecting such a large crowd and the resulting Q&A was really good. It was interesting hearing how other developers are using APIs in their projects, and what problems they are encountering and solving. … Continue reading

RubyConf 2012 recap (part 2)

Continuing from part 1 of the recap, here are the remaining six talks I attended during RubyConf in Denver: Y Not – Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich Jim’s presentations never disappoint and this was no exception. Similar to his prior talk where he built Git from scratch, except … Continue reading

RubyConf 2012 recap

After being unable to attend RubyConf last year, I was thrilled when I heard that this year’s conference would be held in Denver. Having lived in Boulder for several years, I’ve learned to love Colorado, the scenery, and the people. So it was almost a given that I would be … Continue reading

Ruby Hoedown 2012 recap

This year’s Ruby Hoedown was at the Scarritt Bennet Center in Nashville. Per his usual, Jeremy McAnally organized a top-notch, free, two day regional Ruby conference that was a pleasure to attend. A lot of work goes into organizing this type of thing. I doff my proverbial hat to Jeremy … Continue reading