It’s the morning of NFJS day 2 and I’m psyched about another day of listening to great speakers and hobnobbing with fellow members of geekdom.
Yesterday’s kick-off was great. The first workshop I attended was Stuart Halloway’s intro to the Spring framework. This was mostly for review since I’ve used Spring before. Well worth the time spent to attend. Next up, Venkat Subramaniam’s talk on refactoring. Again, great stuff. I appreciated how he didn’t recommend memorizing a list of possible refactorings, but going with your gut on what you thought would make the program simpler and cleaner. The last workshop I attended was Raminvas Ladddd’s discussion of strategies for testing web applications. He touched on a few other frameworks, but his focus was on the open-source Selenium tool.
The day closed with an excellent dinner and the keynote address from Dave Thomas which was cleverly titled “Cargo Cults and Angry Monkeys.” If you have a chance to hear this keynote at another NFJS, I’d certainly recommend it. It was fascinating and quite funny too!
I’m curious, what did he say *about* Selenium. 🙂
I’m starting to collect all the “tips & tricks” of using Selenium in the field and would love to hear what he said.
Jason Huggins
Thanks for the request, Jason. I plan on posting an after-action report from NFJS shortly and will try to include more details on what was covered.