Agile RTP is a new user group started in the Raleigh area by Jared Richardson. The first meeting will be on March 22nd where we’ll be video conferencing with the agile group in Charlotte to hear Dr. Laurie Williams speak about test-driven development. I was actually considering driving to Charlotte for this speech, so when Jared told me we’d be able to enjoy it right here in Raleigh I was totally psyched. Get more details on the event and don’t forget to mark your calendar.
Matthew Bass
Musings on software and life...
I am surprised this hasn’t been done before – there are many of us, and we are eager.
There was actually an XP (eXtreme Programming) user group in the Triangle a few years ago, but they disbanded due to lack of interest. Hopefully this group will fly. Most of the groups I attend are language-specific, so it’ll be interesting to see how a language-agnostic group is received.