“Secrets of Effective Nomading” was a lightning talk I was planning on giving at this year’s Ruby Hoedown. Due to my flight arrangements, however, I was unable to give the talk in person. I made a video recording instead. It’s about six minutes long.
If you’re not familiar with the concepts behind nomadic programming, you might want to read my introduction before watching the video.
By the way, the Hoedown itself was fantastic. This is the third year Jeremy has run the conference and the presentations were top-notch. By far the best yet. The venue (the Opryland in Nashville) was also quite pleasant, if a little on the expensive side. The expense was worth it, though, if only to hear Jim Weirich present on a source control system that sounded a lot like Git, but wasn’t!
And of course, the nearby mall complete with movie theater and Bass Pro Shop was just the icing on the cake. (C’mon Raleigh, when are we gonna get a Bass Pro Shop? Charlotte has one.)